Happy Earth Day!

On the the eve of the 43rd anniversary of it’s conception I want to wish you all Happy Earth Day!.

I did not realize until tonight when I was watching “Green Fire: Aldo Leopold and a Land Ethic for Our Time” on IPTV, that today actually marks the 65th anniversary of Aldo Leopold’s death fighting a brush fire near his famed Sand County Farm. I’m not exactly sure of the origin of the Earth Day date but it seems quite a coincidence.

Anyway, just wanted to send aonther reminder about the Clayton County CAN! meeting next Thursday, April 25, 6 p.m. at the Freedom Bank Community Room, Elkader. Plans have changed slightly in that instead of a talk by Ric Zarwell, we will be showing the documentary “Frac Sand Land” which the Allamakee County Protectors helped produce. Ric and Jeff Abbas will still be there to introduce the film and anwer questions afterwards, but it was felt that showing this film would be the best way to tell their story.

We will still start the meeting at 6 p.m. and go through several business items we need to discuss which include nominations for new officers and board members, so anyone interested should let me know ASAP. We will then have a short introduction to the film and plan to start the movie by 7:00. The film is 42 minutes long so folks should plan accordingly.

A question and answer period dealing with the “Fracking” issue will follow.

In the mean time, tomorrow we have the chance to celebrate one day on the calendar devoted to this planet that sustains us all. Although, as a group we do not have anything planned, I encourage each and everyone of you to do your best to remind the people in your lives about recognizing the importance of this day. We only have one Earth. Let’s celebrate it!

For more information check out http://www.earthday.org/